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Wear a smile, whatever the weather

Updated: Aug 18, 2020

At Brook Farm Children’s Nursery young children have access to outdoor play on a daily basis regardless of the weather. Our well resourced childcare setting with an enabling outdoor environment of 75 acres of farmland; together with our expert childcare team allows this to happen.

"There's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing!"

The Great British weather is extremely unpredictable but with the correct clothing and resources; Brook Farm Children’s Nursery ensures that young children gain authentic, outdoor learning experiences on a daily basis, from visiting the animals, hiding in the long grass from the dinosaurs, going on a bear hunt, hunting for bugs, jumping in puddles and splashing through the bubbling beck.....

The outdoor experiences we provide are endless!


Here at Brook Farm Children’s Nursery senses are stimulated through the experience of an ever-changing natural environment.

Young children develop intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically through being outside and surrounded by nature.

Intellectual Benefits

Adventures across our natural farmland provide an array of spontaneous opportunities for discovery, creativity and problem-solving. Intermingling with the natural environment allows young children to learn by finding ways to solve problems and test their ideas. Whether they are judging how to get to the top of a steep hill or considering how and where to find worms when the sun is shining; the children at Brook Farm Children’s Nursery are continually thinking when they are outdoors in the natural environment. Resilience and confidence are increased as our passionate team of childcare experts encourage the children to take risks, try, fail and persevere.

Emotional Benefits

Self-expression is very often limited indoors, yet young children need to feel a sense of freedom to explore, move, and make noise. At Brook Farm Children’s Nursery young children can run, jump, hop and skip through the meadow, climb grassy slopes and roll through the long, swishy, swashy grass. All of these actions help to relax, and reduce tension, anxiety, and restlessness.

Additionally being outdoors promotes a sense of peace and often reveals nurturing qualities in young children. Many active children slow down to dig a hole in the mud kitchen, make daisy chains or quietly search for bugs.

Social Benefits

The abundance of outdoor space that Brook Farm Children’s Nursery offers to young children makes it possible for them to play alone or connect with one another, learn to share, and problem solve. In our natural farmland environment there are no prescribed instructions which in-turn encourages young children to work together to create games with their own rules and solve their own problems without any restrictive pressures.

Physical Benefits

Being outdoors on the farmland provides a wealth of fresh air, is energising and offers never-ending opportunities for physical activity, which, in-turn, assists to build strong bodies. Exposure to sunlight means young children absorb vitamin D which has many positive benefits, including contributing to a strong immune system.

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